Packaging & Maintenance, Inc
Plant Description -This landfill gas to energy plant was located adjacent to the Palo Alto Landfill in Palo Alto, California. It produced electricity for sale to PG&E. The 2100 kW plant was powered by two 12 cylinder lean burn gas engines. The two Waukesha 7042GL engines utilized landfill gas as their primary fuel. Natural gas was blended with the landfill gas as necessary for efficiency and flame stabilization. The landfill to energy plant was designed and constructed by Waukesha-Pearce Industries. The units started up in 1990, and ceased operations in 1999. |
IPT Services Provided - International Power Technology (IPT) was contracted in 1993 to take over operations and maintenance of the landfill to energy facility. IPT's initial task was to refurbish the equipment and eliminate the root causes of prior operational difficulties. Engines, controls and instruments were reconditioned with the objective of restoring optimal thermodynamic and economic performance. IPT managed all maintenance at the facility. All operating staff were employees of IPT and were trained and directed by IPT. Other services IPT provided to the project included regulatory monitoring, condensate treatment, gas collection system assistance and project management. |
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