San Jose State University
Plant Description - The San Jose State University installation was planned and developed by International Power Technology (IPT) and began operating in December of 1984. The 5.6 MW Cheng Cycle system provides steam for heating and cooling campus buildings and facilities. Electricity for the campus is also provided by the cogeneration system with surplus electricity sold to the local electric utility. The facility was constructed within a preexisting heating and cooling plant in an environmentally sensitive student residential and classroom area. Ebasco Services was the project engineer and constructor. The cogen unit incorporates an Allison 501 gas turbine modified for Cheng Cycle operation, a Deltak boiler and a Bailey Network 90 control system. IPT Services Provided - The facility was designed and developed by International Power Technology (IPT). The project was originally structured as a third party owned and financed facility to be managed, operated and maintained by IPT. In October 1991, the State of California purchased the facility under the buyout provision of its energy services contract. IPT was retained by the State to continue managing, operating and maintaining the plant under a long term contract. IPT hired and trained supervisors and operators and scheduled all maintenance and overhaul activity. Onsite maintenance and repairs were conducted by IPT technicians and engineers. IPT purchased natural gas and arranged the gas transport. IPT also provided short and long term economic and performance projections for the plant owners. In 2003, San Jose State University elected to self-maintain the facility, and hired the existing IPT-trained supervisors and operators directly.
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