SRI International (1985 to present)
Menlo Park, California
Plant Description – IPT Cheng Cycle – SRI International is a nonprofit research and development organization with 1200 employees headquartered in Menlo Park, CA. A 5.6 MW Cheng Cycle plant provides the steam and electricity required to heat, cool, and power over 2 million square feet of office and research space.
The cogeneration system incorporates an Allison 501-KH gas turbine modified for Cheng Cycle operation, an ABCO boiler, a COEN duct burner, and a Bailey Network 90 control system. Bechtel Corporation was responsible for turnkey engineering and construction. The cogeneration plant began operation in the spring of 1987.
IPT Services Provided: The facility was designed and developed by International Power Technology (IPT). The plant is currently operational with over 225,000 hours of operation. Plant operations, maintenance and management have been provided by IPT since startup, resulting in an average of over 97% availability. IPT manages the facility as the agent for the plant’s third party owners. IPT hires and trains supervisors and operators for the plant and schedules all maintenance and overhaul activity. On-site maintenance and repairs are conducted by IPT technicians and engineers. IPT purchases natural gas and arranges the gas transport. IPT also provides short and long term economic and performance projections for the plant owners.
IPT Nozzle Steam Demonstration Site – IPT retrofitted the SRI CHP Allison 501-KH “Cheng Cycle” gas turbine with IPT new nozzle steam technology in February 2005 in a move to get off water injection, decrease overall plant fuel consumption, and increase combustion liner lifetime. Steam is easier on combustion liners as opposed to water and significantly increases the lifetime of these hot section parts. In addition to increased combustion liner lifetimes, there is a significant savings on turbine fuel consumption (5%) due to an improved turbine heat rate on steam.
IPT has achieved 5 ppm NOx at full turbine firing temperature and 3.0 steam-to-fuel (s/f) ratio at the SRI facility. The SRI Nozzle Steam demonstration site has been operational since February 2005 and is continuing to demonstrate the viability and benefits of IPT’s Ultra Low emissions technology including ultra-low NOx and CO, lower operational costs, lower turbine heat rates, and extended turbine hardware life.
IPT was formed in 1974 to develop gas turbine steam injection technology. In 1984 IPT co-developed with Detroit Diesel Allison the Allison 501-KH “Cheng Cycle” gas turbine, and has authored over 48 U.S. and international patents. Headquartered in San Jose, California, IPT’s primary business today is O&M of power plants, engineering, field service, parts sales, and engine lease and sales.